Web Design & Development

All web advice and tutorials are 100% free, so if you are a promising web developer, designer (or even a more experienced one), you will find them valuable, helpful and, at times, entertaining!

Note: Most of the articles are collected from various site hence if we use your article and didn't credit you please contact us.

Why choose Joomla! over Drupal and Wordpress?

Web Design & Development

In the world of Content Management Systems there is some serious competition. We often get asked why we focus on Joomla! rather than other leading open-source CMS systems like Drupal and Wordpress. Well... here is why...

Deciding Between Three Great Choices! - The Showdown

First, let's take a look at a competition that was performed between the 3 CMS's... the "SXSW Web Content Management System Showdown." Three teams competed to build a community website with the same requirements. Here's the results:

  Drupal Joomla! WordPress
Total Hours 79.25 57.25 90.5
Hours spent on front end 21.75 15 36.5
HTML Validation No (8 errors) Yes No (8 errors)
CSS Validation No (7 errors) No (1 errors) No (21 e...

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Product selection for new online businesses

Web Design & Development

Are you looking for a great product to sell online? Worried that all the best ideas are taken? Here is a rundown of what makes a product a good candidate for selling online.


  • light and easy to ship, or
  • a digital good that is downloaded (e-book or software) ,
  • not perishable or fragile,
  • doesn't have to be seen and held (designer fabrics, perhaps),
  • has enough demand to make your venture profitable,
  • and, has little competition from large online companies (niche products).

It's the last two characteristics that can be hard to pin down. Here is a generally accepted method of arriving at an idea of how heavy the demand and competition is for a product.

First, make a list of some potential products that might fit the ...

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Checklist for new website development

Web Design & Development

Before going to a Web Developer, you want an accurate assessment of what your website will cost and what it will entail. So, obviously, you must have a clear idea about what you need. Here are some questions you should answer before you start the development of your site.

1. How will my website function?

There are 4 questions you need to answer under this question and they are, “I will have a website that will operate”:

  • As an online store where actual product is sold
  • As an online brochure to inform the consumer about my company or services
  • As an online community
  • As a combination of these

Once you’ve answered what type of web site format you’re interested in, it makes it easier to formulate the rest of your web site.

2. What w...

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How to move Magento from one server to another?

Web Design & Development

If you are a Magento developer sometimes you need to move the Magento eCommerce shop from one host server domain to new host server domain or from one directory location to another directory location. Migrating Magento to a new server is a simple task once you know how to do it. This “How to move Magento from one server to another” post will outline the steps involved to successfully migrate a Magento website.


  1. Back up the files in the test server.
    Go to your test site admin backend and refresh Cache by System > Cache Management. Then download and save the whole magento shop root directory via File manager or FTP tools.
  2. Export the magento Database.
    Enter your server control panel phpmyadmin database area and EXPORT your ma...

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Most frequently used functions in Magento

Web Design & Development

  • How to call static block from template file?
    We can Easily call a static block directly from template.
    Let us suppose, you created a static block with the identifier islbd_link.
    <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId(‘islbd_link’)->toHTML();?>
  • How to call block directly from phtml file without defining in layout?
    <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock(‘newmodule/newblock’)->setTemplate(‘newmodule/newblock.phtml’)->toHtml(); ?>
  • Add Static Block to CMS Page
    {{block type=”cms/block” block_id=”home-page-promo”}}
  • How to call a phtml file in magento cms page
    {{block type=”core/template” name=”a-name” template=”cms/home.phtml”}}
  • Magento Store – Get Base URL in Static Block
    Try adding this to your static block:
    <a ...

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